Hello there!
After long absence from the blog i welcome you with this great news.
I am currently making a game mod (Modification) for Red Alert 2 : Yuri's Revenge.
I am currently using an already modfied game mod from C&C Mashup and continue modding from there.
I will add on new factions to the game. So don't worry if you still want to use the default faction because you still can.
These new factions are:
Eg. GDI, NOD, Spartans and Singapore.
Yes SPARTANS. That what you see. Ancient Greek Spartans. Basically its an ancient Greek faction. There will be melee infantries and archers ofcause.
I will show you an ingame screenshot that this mod is indeed in the making.
THis the Spartans faction.
Stay tune for more updates..
Thank you C&C Mashup owner credits to you my good sir.
Credits for help: YR Argentina,PPMSITE
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009